NORMAL DEVELOPMENT OF EYE- DOMINANCE COLUMNS This section shows layer 4C cut transversely, from a newborn macaque monkey with an eye injected. The picture is dark field, so the radioactive label is bright. Its continuity shows that the terminals from each eye are not aggregated into stripes but are intermingled throughout the layer. (The white stripe between the exposed and buried 4C layers is white matter, full of fibers loaded with label on their way up from the lateral geniculates.) The obvious way to learn about ocular-dominance columns in the newborn was to check the distribution of fibers entering layer 4C by injecting an eye on the first or second day of life. The result was surprising. Instead of clear, crisp stripes, layer 4C showed a continuous smear of label. The autoradiograph to the left shows 4C cut transversely, and we see no trace of columns.